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How to host Zalenium on K8S cluster

Jaspreet Kaur
2 min readAug 7, 2021


If you have landed here you are probably trying to figure out how to host the Zalenium grid on the K8S cluster.

If you don’t know what Zalenium is, feel free to read about it here.

Coming back to the topic of this post, I am assuming you have a cluster up and running so here are the straightforward commands and instructions to do so.

1. Create a namespace on your cluster, let's call it Zalemium-ns

kubectl create namespace zalenium-ns

Run command kubectl get namespace and your new namespace should be listed in the output.

2. Run the following helm command to add Zalenium repo

helm repo add zalenium-github

3. Run the following command to get Zalenium up and running for your project.

helm install <any-name> --namespace zalenium-namespace zalenium-github/zalenium --set hub.serviceType="LoadBalancer" --set hub.basicAuth.enabled="true" —-set hub.basicAuth.username=“<username-you-wanna-set>” —-set hub.basicAuth.password=“<password-you-wanna-set>”

After this, if you run kubectl get service <name-you-chose-in-step-3>- zalemium-ns --namespace="zalenium-ns”



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